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Employment law cases digest

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ABOUT THE DIGEST This Digest presents a number of decisions in the form of awards that have been made by the Industrial Court while construing various provisions relating to Employment and Labour law in Uganda. By going through this book, a reader will be brought up to speed with the recent developments in Employment and Labour Law in Uganda.

The Digest is produced as the First Edition because the author plans to publish subsequent editions.

The Digest will be a valuable resource for practising Adyocates, lawyers, law srudents, Human Resource Practitioners, employees, employers, and trade unions among others. The Digest will also be of great use to policymakers involved in reforming this area of law

ABOUT THE AUTHOR John Mugalua is a Practising Advocate of the High Court of Uganda with Mugalula & Omalla Advocates. John is the author of two books namely; Employment and Industrial Relations Law in Uganda, 2020" and "the law of Matrimnonial Property in East Africa, 2019" both published by LawAfnca John was in 2021 shortlisted for the African Legal Awards in two categories namely, Partner of the year and Employment Law Team of the year. He is Member of the Uganda Law Society (ULS), East African Law Society (EALS), Notary Public and Commissioner for Oaths. He is also the Uganda law Society Corporate Representative to the Mildmay General Assembly, He holds a Bachelor of Laws Degree (LLB) with Honours- upper second from Makerere University Kampala MUK), a Diploma in Legal Practice from the Law Development Centre (LDC), Graduate Diploma in Income Tax & Revenue Administration (EAST).

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